The European Pickleball Federation
is proud to announce
Be Part of making Pickleball History
- First official European continental multiple national team event with countries selecting and entering their best players.
- Officially sanctioned by the European Pickleball Federation.
- Unique opportunity for players to represent their countries
European Team Championship (23-24 November 2024)
- Number of Pre-selected Teams: Estimated 20+ Countries
- Events: Mixed Doubles, Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles
- Age Categories: Open (all ages 18 and over); Seniors (50+ at 31 Dec 2024)
- Team Ranking: An EPF Ranking committee will rank the top 8 teams in each event
- Entry Fee: GBP 650.00 per country (for all team events)
- Format: Group Stage and Playoffs
- Medals: Gold, Silver & Bronze. Podium Ceremonies with National Anthems for Gold Medals
- Trophies: Overall, Open and Seniors
- Registration Opens: Thursday 15th February 2024
- Registration Closes: Sunday 10 March 2024
Pre-EPC Open Tournament (21-22 November 2024)
- Events: Women’s Doubles, Men’s Doubles, Mixed Doubles
- Format: Round robin format followed by a single elimination bracket. Each player will be guaranteed a minimum of 4 matches.
- Age Categories: 18+, 50+, 65+
- Skill Levels: 3.0-, 3.5, 4.0, 4.5+
- Format: Group Stage and Playoffs
- Entry Fee: GBP 30.00 per player per event
- Registration Opens: Europe (except UK): 18 March 2024; ALL: 25 March 2024
- Medals: Gold, Silver & Bronze
Event Schedule
The following Members have entered the Team Event: